my favestagrammers: the aesthetic issue

it seems that whenever i stare at my instagram page, i have the sudden urge to delete everything i’ve ever posted, and the glorious instagram pages below don’t really help. you see, whenever they post something and i look at their profiles in context, i weep at the aesthetic perfection. the colours, the shapes, the juxtaposing of objects and lighting – i feel like i’ve walked into the lair of an art director. these women make me really want a square feed, and when i tried it out, i wanted to delete my instagram page all over again for failing in comparison.

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WIN | with dearsolo & hashtagawesome

in celebration of heritage day (24th of september in south africa), i thought it would be great to have a little giveaway! the support for dearsolo has been absolutely incredible in the past few months and this is just my little way of saying thank you 🙂

the incredible team at hashtagawesome decided to give me an eos lip balm & hand cream set to give away to one lucky reader! (south africa only, i’m afraid!) hashtagawesome is your new favourite online shopping destination, and for no other reason than they stock eos products (amongst other things, of course)! eos, or the Evolution Of Smooth, is a brand that creates the eos lip balms that you’ve seen everyone from miley cyrus to kim kardashian use, and personally, i swear by it. 

i had to get mine via the lucky people who go abroad and can buy it for me, but now, south africa has their very own way of getting eos products and a range of more!

this brings me to the competition:

in order to win, you have to do 3 simple things:
1) follow @hashtagawesomeza on instagram & like hashtagawesome on facebook.
2) follow @foyinog on instagram & like DearSolo on facebook.
3) comment #hashtagdearsolo on my instagram post.

& voila! you’re in the running to win an eos lip balm & eos hand cream set worth R99.00 each 🙂

the competition runs from 24th september 2014 until 3rd october 2014 (next week friday)! so get entering & spread the word 🙂

have a great heritage day! celebrate your culture, your food, your music and your fashion! embrace your heritage and your history 🙂 #ProudNigerian

read | cool things on the internet

seeing as matric prelims are well underway, it is very unsurprising to find that the internet is very appealing right now. so, while i was procrastinating studying – which i stupidly do at my computer – i came across some cool things on the internet and i wanted to share them with you:

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the fashion people: jerri mokgofe

image source

after my enlightening experience at #mbfwj, i realised that i needed to add in a subsection under blogger spotlight – the fashion people of south africa are actually the most interesting bunch out there, so let’s take a look at a few, starting with jerri mokgofe.

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Positive Mondays

Positive Mondays

A new week rolls around again and with it, brings the dreaded Monday 🙁 But a little challenge for the week: to do all things with love – especially on a Monday when it’s oh-so difficult. Keep your eyes, ears, heart and mind open, be patient, kind, helpful, peaceful, gracious and classy, and above all, do all things with love. Have a wonderful week!

xo, Foyin Og