Hello everyone! So about a month ago, I made an announcement basically everywhere except on my actual blog that I’m one of the new essence cosmetics ambassadors for 2016! It’s truly an honour to be recognised by a brand I’ve been using for years. What this means is that I’m going to be one of the vessels giving you all the low-down on the newest essence products, with maybe a competition or two in the future.
outfit | surviving winter
I won’t even lie, my first winter in Cape Town last year caught me off guard. I was heavily underprepared – you see, in Joburg, when it’s cold, it’s just cold. But in Cape Town, when it’s cold, it’s cold and wet and miserable. I guess that’s why UCT has that (un)official rule that if the mist is so bad that you can’t see the campus on the mountain, it’s no longer there and school is cancelled.