read | beginner blogger tips

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Before I get started, I just wanted to make it clear that I am in no way claiming to be a blog-savant, or to have completely mastered the art of blogging itself (I’ll leave that to the professionals like Aimee Song & Nicole Warne), but surprisingly, I have received quite a few emails from people who want to start a blog but have no clue where to start, so I thought that I should do a post on it and impart most of my knowledge and the things that i’ve learnt in one go! Feel free to add on in the comments below on anything you think I’ve missed – these are just my observations and things I wish I knew before I started.

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my favestagrammers: the aesthetic issue

it seems that whenever i stare at my instagram page, i have the sudden urge to delete everything i’ve ever posted, and the glorious instagram pages below don’t really help. you see, whenever they post something and i look at their profiles in context, i weep at the aesthetic perfection. the colours, the shapes, the juxtaposing of objects and lighting – i feel like i’ve walked into the lair of an art director. these women make me really want a square feed, and when i tried it out, i wanted to delete my instagram page all over again for failing in comparison.

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fashion | about a week ago… prom 2014

before i start this post, i just wanted to take this time to be excited about Vodacom In The City tonight – i wrote about how awesome the concert was last year here, and i’m super psyched again to go for the 3rd year in a row! with acts like crystal fighters, mgmt, rudimental & phfat performing, you don’t wanna miss out! you can still get tickets here. see you there 🙂
photos taken by That Guy With Glasses 🙂

to paraphrase the beloved high school musical 3, it was the night of my nightmares and simultaneously the night of my dreams. after months of planning and stressing; weeks of gripping anxiety and fear because this giant, daunting event was finally upon me and i didnt want to be let down; days of intense pampering (the weave game, the nail game, the make up game, the eyebrow game – wednesday through friday ended up feeling like the olympics) – it all led up to one momentous occasion: matric dance (prom).

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read | your newest styleGF

as you all know, i am (or should i say, was) a huge fan of seventeen magazine south africa. i mean, i had collected their magazines without fail since march 2009. so imagine my heartbreak when they announced last year that the december issue would be their last and the magazine was to be discontinued. i mean – they grew up with me and gave me so many opportunities, like the style counsel, job shadowing, competitions and even allowed me to make some amazing friends that i still have! (at least it was semi poetic that seventeen ended when i was seventeen, right?)

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the fashion people: jerri mokgofe

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after my enlightening experience at #mbfwj, i realised that i needed to add in a subsection under blogger spotlight – the fashion people of south africa are actually the most interesting bunch out there, so let’s take a look at a few, starting with jerri mokgofe.

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