outfit | balancing act

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Photos by Nicole Norman, taken in the quad of my beautiful res at UCT 🙂


Hello, world! I’m still here. Week 2 of university has drawn to a close and all I’m feeling is tired. Can I get an ‘amen’? If there’s anything I’ve learnt in the whirlwind that is varsity, it’s balance.


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outfit | know yourself


photos by Nicole Norman

Hello, and welcome back to The DearSolo Blog! I would apologise for the two week vacation, but I’m preeeeetty sure I warned you in my last post that due to the big move, the blog will be last on my list of priorities, and I regret absolutely nothing! Cape Town is amazing.

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outfit | tumblr taught me

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Photos by Khensani Makhubela

When you’ve been on Tumblr for as long as I’ve been on Tumblr, you’ve seen lots of things – maybe more than you’ve wanted to by accident – but one thing you’d definitely have noticed are the fashion trends. Remember the Great Hipster Trek of 2013? The Indie Revival of 2014 (and probably 2015)? The Grungepocalypse?

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outfit | kimono me krazy

This post was originally posted on A Fashion Friend, and to be honest, their photo edits were cooler.


photos by Josh Lubinsky

I think it’s no surprise that the summer of 2014 was kimono crazy – they’re sleek, easy to wear, take any outfit from an average person 6 to a hipster 8.5 and they make you feel completely covered even if you’re only wearing shorts and a crop top. They also serve the purpose of making house wear formal enough for leaving the house – one of the owners of Ruff Tung even told me she swears by them because she can wear them around the house yet still meet with clients, and, I mean, who am I to disagree? Comfort is cool, and so are kimonos.

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outfit | the power of red

photos by tegan smith


before i got overwhelmed by the madness that is fashion week, i had the opportunity to shoot with the amazing photographer Tegan Smith while she was in joburg this past week. you may know her as the incredible photo taker behind Baked The Blog, and if you do, you’ll know that she’s good at what she does. i got to experience the magic first hand and i honestly can’t wait to do it again! i had such a great time shooting with her – and the pictures prove the magic.

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