event | spree AW15


On Thursday the 26th of March 2015, Spree hosted their Autumn Winter 2015 showcase event at The Cape Town Club, and I was lucky enough to win a ticket to this event from the lovely Malibongwe Tyilo from the Skattie, What Are You Wearing? blog.

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beauty | class is in session


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Last week Saturday, I had the honour to attend Baked The Blog‘s first Beauty School workshop, hosted and organised by Aisha herself. We got to learn the basics of beauty and other tips and tricks of the trade, as well as debunk some beauty myths, with BTB’s resident beauty maven, Saffiyah.

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art | from where i stand: maboneng photo diary

as the official first week of my holiday draws to a close and my older sister is about to return to cape town, a last-ditch effort to enjoy johannesburg was made by the three of us which resulted in a beautiful morning at the his people rosebank church, followed by a wonderful afternoon in the maboneng precinct in town. similar to the braamfontein/neighbourgoods vibe, maboneng is filled with food, drinks, fashion, but in particular, art. there are galleries upon galleries filled with trippy and beautiful exhibitions and people proclaiming “these hipsters…” with less venom than draco malfoy spat ‘mudblood’, but only just. it’s days like this that make me wish i could art, but since i can’t, i just want to enjoy it and be absorbed by it. my sisters and i took turns being typical hipster/tourists posing with graffiti and street art, only on the premise that no one actually knows us so their judgement is meaningless (or so we [or i] told ourselves). lime cordial beverages and passion fruit slushies, chicken curries, falafels and burgers – the smell of crepes and ethiopian coffee and the subtle clicks of cameras, today was a day to revel in johannesburg and the culture it provides; to feel like a cool kid and rebel against the system by walking (douchebaggily) in the road. God-willing if i go to cape town next year, i know that it may seem better than this, but it can never feel the same as this.

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many floating umbrellas

if you’re currently in johannesburg, you, like me, will be and have been experiencing rain, and lots of it since saturday morning, and even though this is my favourite kind of weather, trying to enjoy a friend’s birthday weekend in braamfontein when its pouring can really put a damper on things. so i thought it would be nice to reminisce about a sunnier time, literally a week earlier in the same place, so we can hope to remember what it feels like not to constantly be soaking wet.

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It’s Not Even My Birthday

It’s Not Even My Birthday

After an incredibly stressful past few week, I have a few blog posts ready to go. The first one is from my friend Josh‘s 16th Birthday High Tea (hence the title… it really isn’t my birthday. Haha. Sorry.). He invited me and a few friends to Montecasino’s Palazzo Hotel for an afternoon high tea and let me just say that things like that really excite me for many reasons:

  1. The restaurant is beautiful.
  2. The scenery is beautiful.
  3. Miniature food is beautiful.
  4. My friends are beautiful.
  5. Did I mention the beautiful miniature food?

I honestly live for days like this, although I might have to complain that I was there all afternoon and did not stumble across any future husbands. Sigh. Whatever is a girl to do? One thing of course: make food porn. And have a photoshoot (but that is another post for another day).

So enjoy the photos of these delectable, they really are as good as they look. I should know.

Josh, the birthday boy.