read | splurge or save?

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a few days ago, i was contacted by jessica brady of about a post they made on splurging vs saving and she asked for my take on the topic. you can read their post here 🙂

i’ve always been that kind of person who lived by the motto, “free is always better,” and most days i still do. i enter competitions to win stuff, particularly for those which i probably wouldn’t have paid for anyway; free food always tastes better (even if it’s just your parents paying); free tickets = funner events, and so it goes. but unfortunately, that rule of thumb doesn’t apply to fashion, because in fashion, there’s another rule i live by: “is it quality or trendy?”, which leads me to the title of this post – splurge or save? sometimes we all get caught up in the bright lights of fancy, foreign brands, but when is the price tag really worth it? and for what items?

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